Useful Info


Portalul Monitorul Civic


Financial Aid for Minority Students

Donor Community

Open Society Institute, Budapest
Soros Foundation – Moldova (FSM)
Roma Education Fund
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Eurasia Foundation
USAID Moldova
Embassy of the United States Chisinau, Moldova
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Moldova
British Embassy Chisinau, Moldova
Academy for Educational Development (AED)
National Democratic Institute (NDI)
Delegation of the European Union to Moldova

International organizations supporting human rights:

Council of Europe and the Republic of Moldova
OSCE Mission to Moldova
Amnesty International Moldova
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in the Republic of Moldova
Minority Rights Group International
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM)
European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC)
European Roma Information Office (ERIO)
Official Website of the Government of the Republic of Moldova


Legislaţia RM cu privire la minorităţi naţionale (300 kB)
Hotărîrea de Guvern nr. 1453 din decembrie 2006 cu privire la populaţia de provenienţa romă (166 kB)
Legislation of the Republic of Moldova Online


Report on the Moldovan citizens’ perception of the Roma population | Republica Moldova | iunie 2018
Report on the citizens’ implication in community life | the Republic of Moldova | June, 2018
Report on Human Rights Observance in the Republic of Moldova
Report on Roma in the Republic of Moldova (5,74 MB)

Project Management

COE Manual of Project Management Methodology (184 kB)
Appendix: Logical Framework (61 kB)
Free Management Library