On October 6, LPA representatives, citizens and rural development experts discussed a number of current challenges related to the budget process at the local level, including through the involvement of citizens in the decision-making process. The 4 mayors present at the training represent 3 regions of the country: Carbuna, Ialoveni…
Community Leadership Academy – an empowerment exercise, a platform for sharing ideas, an adventure
For the period from 11 to 13 August 2021, the Institute for Rural Initiatives (iRi) organized the Community Leadership Academy – an activity within the Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) implemented in 30 rural communities of the Republic of Moldova. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic this was the first…
RurACT Academy – an extra chance for rural communities which have initiatives
The Institute for Rural Initiatives (iRi) announces the successful completion of the RurAct Academy – a mentoring initiative developed in partnership with the American organization Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP) designed to exchange experiences and good practices with 8 rural communities it has never worked before. In July 2020,…
635 young people from 30 rural communities graduated the Youth Leadership Academy organized by the Institute for Rural Initiatives (iRi)
The Institute for Rural Initiatives (iRi) announces the completion of the Youth Leadership Academy, organized in 30 rural communities that benefit from Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) services. The main purpose of the Academy was to mobilize groups of young people from rural areas of the Republic of Moldova and to…
Young people learn how to mobilize graduates’ community for a common interest
The Institute for Rural Initiatives (iRi) launched the IntegrACT ALUMNI Academy. The Academy is at its fourth edition and is part of the series of IntegrACT trainings, implemented by iRi within the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova Grants Program. The training provides 40 interactive…