
Request for independent evaluator

Request for independent evaluator

Summary Implementer’s Mission Project Background Evaluation Overview Evaluation Implementation Application Guidelines Budget Guidelines Contact Information Summary Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP – based in Ohio, USA) is seeking qualified applicants to conduct a final evaluation for its project, Minority Empowerment in Moldova. The final evaluation needs to be completed…

Peer to Peer – an event designed to facilitate the exchange of civic experience between rural communities in Moldova

Peer to Peer – an event designed to facilitate the exchange of civic experience between rural communities in Moldova

Institute for Rural Initiatives (iRi) organized a unique event designed to facilitate the exchange of experience between rural communities in the Republic of Moldova. The event (within the program “Minority Empowerment in Moldova – MEM PLUS”) aimed at empowering a number of partner communities by creating opportunities for dialogue and…

Young people from rural areas of Moldova met in Chisinau for the second Rural Youth Congress

Young people from rural areas of Moldova met in Chisinau for the second Rural Youth Congress

The Institute for Rural Initiatives (iRi) organized the second edition of the Rural Youth Congress where participated young people from several rural communities. In accordance with the restrictions of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, this time the Congress was attended by a more limited number of young people. More than…

RurACT Academy – an extra chance for rural communities which have initiatives

The Institute for Rural Initiatives (iRi) announces the successful completion of the RurAct Academy – a mentoring initiative developed in partnership with the American organization Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP) designed to exchange experiences and good practices with 8 rural communities it has never worked before. In July 2020,…

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